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Opera 9.01 Build 8552最终版
作者:陈鹏  文章来源:eNet  点击数  更新时间:2009/9/16 16:12:58  文章录入:陈鹏  责任编辑:陈鹏

Opera 9.01 Beta过程中的8552版本被确定为9.01的正式版本,9.01的Beta长跑马拉松告一段落,不知道9.02是否会接棒,请大家下载更新.

  一个出色而小巧的 Internet/Intranet 浏览器,支持 frames ,方便的缩放功能,多窗口,可定制用户界面,高级多媒体特性,标准和增强 HTML 等等.对于较慢的 PC 机,它是个快速的浏览器.新版本修改了上一版本的一些bug,现在进入yeah之类的虚拟域名不会有%20的干扰了!加强了对java新版本的支持.提供了更大稳定性和一些改善的更新.增加了电子邮件的收发功能,转用书签的概念(同时处理原来的收藏夹加上电子邮件和联系栏部分). 

  Changes in Opera 9.01 Build 8552 :

  - Fixed bug where onload event wasn't sent to frames in some circumstances. Broke f.ex video on cnn.com.

  - More NTLM fixes.

  - Fixed some incorrect handling of cookies when loading pages setting/using cookies from feeds and email.

  - Fixed problem with authentication and only if modified checks.

  - Fixed missing space character in test for inline uuencoded content.

  - Fixed a bug where dragging config.xml into 0pera does not open the widget.

  - Made sure Flash that was bundled with Opera 8 is kept when upgrading to Opera 9.

  - More stability work.  

  01 Aug 2006  

  下载:Opera 9.01 Build 8552 Final 国际版本

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